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Bow Of The Void Dmg


Bow Of The Void Dmg Download


Rogue (Dagger of Foul Malevolence) 8.78 1 201.75 1771.365 1595.765
Dagger of Sinister Deeds 205.5 1804.29 1628.69
Dirk of Cronus 7.902 284.25 2246.144 2088.104
Bone Dagger 149.25 1310.415 1134.815
Spirit Dagger 216.75 1903.065 1727.465
Etherite Dagger 9.658 243 2346.894 2153.734
Queen’s Stinger Dagger 164.25 1442.115 1442.115
Carved Golem Remains 186.75 1639.665 1464.065
Symbiotic Ripper 10.536 229.5 2418.012 2207.292
Corruption Cutter 11.414 2 247.5 2824.965 2596.685
Archer (Bow of Covert Havens) 6.7 3 372 2492.4 2090.4
Bow of Mystical Energy 387 2592.9 2190.9
Doom Bow 2.211 1 899 1987.689 1943.469
Coral Bow 8.375 2 278 2328.25 1993.25
Thousand Shot 13.4 1 169 2264.6 1996.6
Leaf Bow 9.38 1 284 2663.92 2476.32
Nectar Crossfire 4 416 2787.2 2251.2
Bow of the Void 1 399 2673.3 2539.3
Deathless Crossbow 6.365 1 405 2577.825 2450.525
Wizard (Staff of the Cosmic Whole) 8 2 330.72 2645.76 2325.76
Staff of the Vital Unity 341.12 2728.96 2408.96
Staff of Extreme Prejudice 3.2 10 1809.6 5790.72 5150.72
Staff of Esben 6.4 330.72 2116.608 1860.608
The Phylactery 6.4 372.32 2382.848 2126.848
Edictum Praetoris 6 3 449.28 2695.68 2335.68
Staff of Unholy Sacrifice 4 4 1181.44 4725.76 4405.76
Spirit Staff 13.2 205.92 2718.144 2454.144
Priest (Wand of Recompense) 6.267 1 184.86 1158.457 1033.123
Wand of Evocation 188.81 1183.21 1057.877
Crystal Wand 141.41 886.17 886.17
Wand of the Bulwark 2.068 631.21 1305.342 1263.982
St. Abraham’s Wand 165.11 1034.69 909.357
Conducting Wand 8.267 165.11 1364.91 1199.577
Wand of Geb 136.89 857.845 732.511
Wand of the Fallen 5.327 263.86 1405.495 1298.962
Abomination’s Wrath 3.321 386.31 1283.063 1216.636
Warrior (Sword of Acclaim) 5.833 1 494 2881.665 2764.998
Sword of Splendor 504 2939.998 2823.332
Crystal Sword 389 2269.165 2152.499
Demon Blade 2 648 3779.998 3546.665
Ancient Stone Sword 3.5 729 2551.5 2481.5
Pirate King’s Cutlass 7.583 409 3101.582 2949.915
Pixie-Enchanted Sword 4 656 3826.665 3359.998
Indomptable 1.458 1215 1771.871 1742.704
Sword of the Colossus 574 3348.331 3231.665
Oryx’s Greatsword 6.416 429 2752.747 2752.747
Knight (Sword of Acclaim) 5.833 1 370.5 2161.249 2044.582
Sword of Splendor 378 2204.999 2088.332
Crystal Sword 291.75 1701.874 1585.207
Demon Blade 2 486 2834.998 2601.665
Ancient Stone Sword 3.5 546.75 1913.625 1843.625
Pirate King’s Cutlass 7.583 306.75 2326.187 2174.52
Pixie-Enchanted Sword 4 492 2869.998 2403.332
Indomptable 1.458 911.25 1328.903 1299.737
Sword of the Colossus 430.5 2511.249 2394.582
Oryx’s Greatsword 6.416 321.75 2064.56 2064.56
Paladin (Sword of Acclaim) 5.4 1 370.5 2000.7 1892.7
Sword of Splendor 378 2041.2 1933.2
Crystal Sword 291.75 1575.45 1467.45
Demon Blade 2 486 2624.4 2408.4
Ancient Stone Sword 3.5 546.75 1771.47 1706.67
Pirate King’s Cutlass 7.583 306.75 2153.385 2012.985
Pixie-Enchanted Sword 4 492 2656.8 2224.8
Indomptable 1.458 911.25 1230.188 1203.188
Sword of the Colossus 430.5 2324.7 2216.7
Oryx’s Greatsword 5.94 321.75 1911.195 1911.195
Assassin (Dagger of Foul Malevolence) 8.433 1 228.65 1928.281 1759.614
Dagger of Sinister Deeds 232.9 1964.123 1795.456
Dirk of Cronus 7.59 322.15 2445.119 2293.319
Bone Dagger 169.15 1426.498 1257.831
Spirit Dagger 245.65 2071.648 1902.981
Etherite Dagger 9.277 275.4 2554.795 2369.262
Queen’s Stinger Dagger 186.15 1569.864 1569.864
Carved Golem Remains 211.65 1784.914 1616.248
Symbiotic Ripper 10.12 260.1 2632.212 2429.812
Corruption Cutter 10.582 2 280.5 2968.251 2756.611
Necromancer (Staff of the Cosmic Whole) 6.7 2 330.72 2215.824 1947.824
Staff of the Vital Unity 341.12 2285.504 2017.504
Staff of Extreme Prejudice 2.68 10 1809.6 4849.728 4313.728
Staff of Esben 5.36 330.72 1772.659 1558.259
The Phylactery 5.36 372.32 1995.635 1781.235
Edictum Praetoris 5.025 3 449.28 2257.632 1956.132
Staff of Unholy Sacrifice 3.35 4 1181.44 3957.824 3689.824
Spirit Staff 11.055 205.92 2276.446 2055.346
Huntress (Bow of Covert Havens) 6.267 3 372 2331.201 1955.201
Bow of Mystical Energy 387 2425.201 2049.201
Doom Bow 2.068 1 899 1859.132 1817.772
Coral Bow 7.833 2 278 2177.666 1864.333
Thousand Shot 12.533 1 169 2118.133 1867.466
Leaf Bow 8.773 1 284 2491.626 2316.159
Nectar Crossfire 4 416 2606.935 2105.601
Bow of the Void 1 399 2500.401 2375.068
Deathless Crossbow 5.954 1 405 2411.37 2292.29
Mystic (Staff of the Cosmic Whole) 6.267 2 283.02 1773.593 1522.926
Staff of the Vital Unity 291.92 1829.366 1578.699
Staff of Extreme Prejudice 2.507 10 1548.6 3881.829 3380.495
Staff of Esben 5.013 283.02 1418.873 1218.34
The Phylactery 5.013 318.62 1597.347 1396.814
Edictum Praetoris 4.7 3 384.48 1807.056 1525.056
Staff of Unholy Sacrifice 3.133 4 1011.04 3167.922 2917.256
Spirit Staff 10.34 176.22 1822.115 1408.515
Trickster (Dagger of Foul Malevolence) 8.433 1 242.1 2041.709 1873.043
Dagger of Sinister Deeds 246.6 2079.659 1910.993
Dirk of Cronus 7.902 341.1 2588.949 2437.149
Bone Dagger 179.1 1510.409 1341.743
Spirit Dagger 260.1 2193.509 2024.843
Etherite Dagger 9.658 291.6 2705.077 2519.544
Queen’s Stinger Dagger 197.1 1662.209 1662.209
Carved Golem Remains 224.1 1889.909 1721.243
Symbiotic Ripper 10.12 275.4 2787.048 2584.648
Corruption Cutter 10.582 2 297 3142.854 2931.214
Sorcerer (Wand of Recompense) 6.7 1 231.66 1552.122 1418.122
Wand of Evocation 236.61 1585.287 1451.287
Crystal Wand 177.21 1187.307 1187.307
Wand of the Bulwark 2.211 791.01 1748.923 1704.703
St. Abraham’s Wand 206.91 1386.297 1252.297
Conducting Wand 8.808 206.91 1822.532 1646.365
Wand of the Fallen 5.695 330.66 1883.109 1769.209
Abomination’s Wrath 3.551 484.11 1719.075 1648.055
Ninja (Masamune) 8 1 298.3 2386.4 2226.4
Sadamune 312.55 2500.4 2340.4
Ray Katana 209.95 1679.6 1519.6
Sullen Blade 3 453.15 3625.2 3145.2
Doku No Ken 9.6 255.55 2453.28 2261.28
Void Blade 2.27 1234.05 2801.294 2755.894
Kazekiri 6.4 2 416.1 2663.04 2407.04
Reikoku 2 275.5 2204 2204
Samurai (Masamune) 5.833 1 314 1831.666 1714.999
Sadamune 329 1919.166 1802.499
Ray Katana 221 1289.166 1172.499
Sullen Blade 3 477 2782.498 2432.499
Doku No Ken 7 269 1883 1743
Void Blade 1.62 1299 2104.38 2071.98
Kazekiri 4.667 2 438 2044.002 1857.335
Reikoku 2 290 1691.57 1691.57

Destiny 2: How to Use Buffs and Debuffs for Max Boss Damage. Learn which buffs and debuffs work best together for maximum boss damage, so that Destiny 2 fireteams can make quick work of some of. Void Knight equipment can be purchased from the Void Knights with Void Knight commendation points earned through the Pest Control minigame. To buy the items, a player must have 42 Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Ranged, and Magic, along with 22 Prayer. Void Knight armour contributes Defence bonuses to all stats equally (including Magic and Ranged) without lowering any attack bonuses.

I making a chaos bow build i am using nuros harp right now it more usefull then i thought but i am looking if there unique bow of Chaos I also have the soul Striker so I'm good with that one any unique items to help you increase chaos and reduce chaos resistance on enemies and are you willing to trade I'm looking for the gem that has ChaosS penetration if there is one
Last bumped on Apr 30, 2019, 1:07:20 AM
Posted by
on Apr 28, 2019, 11:23:01 AM
There's a bit to unpack here.
1) That bow isn't great. Could definitely be replaced.
2) Unless you're going for energy shield based defenses, that quiver should be replaced.
3) There is no unique bow specifically for chaos.
4) There is no chaos penetration gem, but you can use wither and despair to decrease enemy chaos resistance.
What skill are you using? That is going to determine what you're looking for in equipment.
Posted by
on Apr 29, 2019, 12:08:25 AM
Yeah the bow isnt good but i use its frozen ground ability and am useing wither and dispair also the the slow cruse one i am useing toxic rain to other chaod skills caustic and Scourge aslo is there a dash choas skills? And heardel of agony the quiver should be replaced with what i think helps a little
Posted by
on Apr 29, 2019, 1:14:17 AM

true OG chaos bow
phys to lightning gem for more boost

how to 'pen' with chaos. not 100% but i believe stacks with wither and void gaze for -chaos rez (i could be wrong here)
void gaze on helm (-20% chaos rez)

just helps voltaxic deal less phys dmg and get extra % as fire/ele dmg which you can convert further
Inpulsa chest seems nice with voltaxic bow as well.
Last edited by kantermoose on Apr 29, 2019, 2:38:07 AM
Posted by
on Apr 29, 2019, 2:26:14 AM
Yeah the bow isnt good but i use its frozen ground ability and am useing wither and dispair also the the slow cruse one i am useing toxic rain to other chaod skills caustic and Scourge aslo is there a dash choas skills? And heardel of agony the quiver should be replaced with what i think helps a little

It sounds like you're spread too thin on your skills. You need to choose either toxic rain, caustic arrow, or scourge arrow and put it a 5 link or 6 link and forget about the other two. You can keep using herald of agony with it, but you'll want to get that into another 5 or 6 link, too. The extra links and support gems will help you more than better gear without enough links.
The support gems you use will change depending on what skill you choose. For caustic arrow, use void manipulation, vicious projectiles, swift affliction, concentrated effect, and either empower or damage on full life. Caustic arrow really benefits from extra gem levels over anything else once you get it to level 20, so a good bow for it would have 6 links, +2 levels to bow gems, and +1 level to socketed gems. Increased damage over time is another good mod on the bow, but does less than the gem levels. The actual damage values on the bow almost don't matter here.
Scourge arrow and toxic rain benefit more from a high damage bow than gem levels and will use different support gems to scale damage. They often use mirage archer to help spam attacks since they do more smaller hits.
Any of those 3 skills will benefit from a quiver that has 'bow attacks fire an additional arrow.' Scourge arrow and toxic rain would benefit from crit chance on the quiver. With caustic arrow, it is nice to have 'arrows pierce an additional target' with the additional arrow.
For your curses, I assume you mean temporal chains and despair. Unless you have something allowing you to apply an additional curse, you can only curse an enemy with one of those at a time. When you cast a different one, it gets rid of the first one. Drop temp chains and use something like frenzy+cast on hit+despair+greater multiple projectiles. Wither isn't a curse and can stack up to 15 times. With that use wither+spell totem+multiple totems+increased duration or faster casting. Increased duration makes the totems last longer, but faster casting will apply the wither stacks faster.
With your main skill, frenzy/despair, and wither totems, you pretty much have 2 pieces of gear left for skills. One should have cast when damage taken+immortal call+increased duration+vaal grace. CWDT won't trigger the vaal grace, but vaal grace will benefit from the increased duration. On the last piece of gear you'll have room for blink arrow+faster casting, malevolence aura (boosts damage over time) and something like a golem.
Long story short, focus your skills and then you can choose gear to match, whether it is +gem levels, base damage, crit chance, etc. If you try to do too many things with your character, you won't do any of them well. Choose the attack you like best and focus on that.
Posted by
on Apr 29, 2019, 3:28:59 AM
i think helps a little thanks for the help yeah i dont have 6 socket gear also i need more link ones to
Last edited by LegatoDeath on Apr 30, 2019, 1:06:20 PM
Posted by
on Apr 30, 2019, 1:07:20 AM

Bow Of The Void Dmg

Bow Of The Void Dmg Game

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